I don't know that I've said this in a long time, but.....this week has been really rough. When I say that my life has been pretty amazing and free from trial for the past few months, I mean it. But my whole life, I've always known that when life is calm, there is always a storm brewing....I don't mean that to sound morbid, it's just true. This week a lot of not great things have been happening to me and the ones I love. Mostly to the ones I love, and that hurts more than if they happen to me. Watching the people I care about feel pain, loss, and confusion is something that I'm not very good at. I also can't stand not being able to make things better for people. It's a flaw of mine because it means that I want to take things into my own control and that's not my job. But it's in my blood. I've never wanted to hug and hold people, tell them I love them, jump in my car and drive 800 miles to see them more than I do right now. I almost can't stand it. But I know that God has a plan. I really do, even though I feel so out of control. And I know that He will bring about something great. He is in control. I guess I just want those people I love who are going through these hard times to know that I love them, that God loves them, and that they are brave. That they are not alone in this. And for me? I'm learning to cherish what I have and to not take things for granted. Things such as my health, my safety, and most importantly, my friends and family. I'm realizing the power of memories and of a kind word. I'm finding peace in a goodbye for now and a reunion in one week. I'm feeling more loved than ever before by those select few who know exactly what to say and when to say it and yet have no idea how much it means. You know who you are.
I'm sorry this post has been so sad and vague. I just don't want to release information if it is not approved by those that I love. And it's also really not important that I share those things here. I just want to share how I'm feeling right now. I ask, that if you pray, to pray for me and those that I have spoken of. And if you don't, I hope that this post has made you think of your own life and what you cherish the most.