Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Unexpected Introvert

Lately, I have been feeling myself sink deeper and deeper inside myself trying to find energy to face the day and to make decisions about my life. It's really hard sometimes to have to think about and make so many decisions without really knowing who you are yet. I don't know what the statistics say, but I really do think being in your twenties is one of the most complicated times in life.

But you know what?

It's also one of the greatest.

I've really never been happier than I am today. Each year, each month, each day brings on more than I could have ever expected and I am very very thankful for that.

I am in a pretty constant struggle about who I am and what I want and who I am going to be, but I'm trying to cherish that struggle, if that makes sense. Because someday I'll have the answers to some of these questions and I'll look back and think, "Man, I didn't even stop and bask in the chaos that was becoming who I am today". And I really don't want that.

I'm seeking God so much more earnestly than I ever have and finding out that not only do I have nothing good apart from Him, but also, I have to expect more from Him. He is God. And He will bring about great things in my life. It's in His character.

So, for now, even though my insides are pretty crazy and I'm constantly changing in every way (because hey, it's biological to feel this way), I'm learning to be thankful for these years.

Great things are happening. And even greater things are coming.

Thanks for listening.


1 comment:

  1. Wow. Needed this. Thank you so much for posting!!
