Sunday, August 18, 2013

Makers Gonna Make (Goals That Is)

It’s starting, you guys.

A new school year.

And in the life of Avery, new school years bring upon new goals. It’s one of the only things about me that is really constant. I’m a goal maker.

I like to blog about my goals because it helps me to really think on them as I type them out. And it also helps me stay accountable. Sort of.

So here we go!

1. Be Good To My Body
I want to make a real effort in taking care of my body. I want to work out more consistently, eat healthier, take better care of my skin, teeth and hair. Just all the way through I want to make changes and be more cautious about what I take in. It’s really important and if I don’t start now, I probably never will.
2. Have A Morning Routine
I’m not really a morning person. But I really want to be. And I think the first step is to get into a routine. Coffee, breakfast, quiet time, working out, etc. It’ll take some practice, but I think it’s possible. Or at least I hope so.
3. Stress About The Important Stuff
Stressing isn’t good. But I do it. Just like everyone else. And this year will be more stressful than most. But I am determined to stress less. It’s about knowing what the most important things are in life and only striving for those things. That’s my plan. I know that I will stress about important and unimportant things alike, but I hope to reduce that stress by a lot. Everything will work out in due time and I don’t want to take things into my own hands.
4. Invest In My Relationships
This is always a goal of mine, but it has become more of a priority now that I’m facing a huge change in my life soon. I want to only grow closer to the people who have been with me for years and to the ones who have faced the college experience with me. These people are important. And they should know that.
5. Be The Person I Want To Be Now
Sometimes you look back on your time and they way you spent and you realize that you’re not sure what you’ve done to be the person you’ve always wanted to be. I don’t want to finish school and feel that way. I want to look back and know that I made strides in the direction I need to go in. I don’t want to compromise my dreams or desires. And I want God to dictate those dreams and desires.

There they are. It’s going to be a crazy, beautiful year. I think I’m ready.


Monday, August 5, 2013

Simplest Love

Goodness, you guys! I just love these photos that my sister took of me and my boyfriend Ethan. She is really growing in her talent. And of course, it was just fun to be all lovey dovey in front of a camera. It always feels weird, but it's fun too. It's fun to see the results. I'm so happy I have moments like this captured. I will be so glad someday that we took these photos.

Thanks sis!

Also, you guys should go like my sister's photography page.

Adison Shae Photography.

Thanks for wading through all this mushy gushy love!


Saturday, August 3, 2013

What To Do When Everyone Else Is Getting Married

I would like to preface this post by telling you all that I am writing this more to myself than to anyone else. But I had a hunch that there are others out there who need this too. If so, I hope this helps...

It’s that time. I was told it would come. That time when it seems like there are more people your age that are engaged or married than there are single people. It comes out of nowhere and kind of slaps you in the face. And all of the sudden, you feel like the only person not getting married. You feel alone. And let’s be honest, as happy as you are for all of your friends, amidst their newfound happiness, you can’t help but think of yourself and it kind of makes you want to pull all of your hair out.

Yeah, I understand. Trust me.

There could be lots of different reasons as to why you’re not getting married: you are single, you’re not ready for it, it scares you, or maybe you just don’t want anything to do with marriage. We all vary on the spectrum. But no matter where you are, if you aren’t about to get married, there are some things you’ve got to remember.

1. Everyone Is Different
Just because it seems like everyone else is getting married DOES NOT mean you have to. I know that seems like a given, but it’s really true. Don’t feel pressured to make a life changing and extremely important decision just because it feels like you have to. If you’re in a relationship, go at your own pace. If you’re single, don’t rush out and start dating the first person you meet. It’s not worth it. Take your time. If you feel that marriage is the next step for you, then do it. If you’re not comfortable with that, don’t do it. I’m making this sound a lot easier than it is. But this is so important! Everyone is different. Don’t try to live someone else’s life.

2. Be happy For Your Friends
     This can be easier said than done too. “They’re way too young!” “What are they thinking?” “They’re never going to spend time with me anymore!” “What about me?” I may or may not be guilty of thinking one or all of these things, but I will be the first to say that I am very wrong for doing so. Marriage is such a beautiful thing. If you’re friends are blessed enough to get to start that journey, then you should be nothing but excited for them. Whether they say it or not, they need your support. And maybe someday you’ll need their support when you’re on the road to say, “I do”. Love them and help them in any way you can. And remember that this decision in their life really has nothing to do with you. Your friendship will only grow stronger as you support them. Don’t jeopardize that by being jealous.

     3. You're Not Going To Die Alone
     This has kind of become a joke in our generation. “Forever alone.” You know what I’m talking about. It’s pretty funny, I’ll admit. But if you get down to it, it’s kind of selfish. You’re saying that you’re going to die alone just because you’re not romantically involved with someone. This is absolutely not true. You have family. You have friends. You have so many people who love and care about you. Having a boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse is not the antidote to loneliness.  

4. Cultivate The Relationships You Do Have
On a related note, don’t forget about all of the important relationships that are going on right now. Don’t forget about your best friend who has dealt with you for the past ten years. Don’t forget about your sisters and brothers who need you. Don’t forget about your roommates who are probably going through this too. And, in my case specifically, don’t forget about your boyfriend of almost three years and all the happiness you have. Don’t put pressure on the relationship you’re in. Have good conversations about the future of marriage, but also watch movies and talk about really good music and live for right now, together. Don’t waste the time you have today because it’s going to go by too fast. Focus on the relationships you have right now and work to make them the best they’ve ever been.

5. Marriage Isn’t Everything
“Ring by Spring” is really all I hear about because of the Baptist University I attend smack dab in the middle of the Bible Belt. There really is too much stress put on the subject of getting married. What about your education? What about your future career path? What about your family and friends? What about doing the will of God in other parts of your life? Don’t get me wrong, marriage is extremely important and I really, really want to get married someday. But there is a lot more going on in the world. So, instead of stressing about that, immerse yourself in where you are right now: the community, the people, the places. And most importantly, focus on Jesus and you’re relationship with Him. I promise you that no other relationship is going to go very well if that relationship isn’t put first. Go back to the roots of His love for you. Remember how you fell in love with Him in the beginning. Ask Him to help you through this time. Talk to Him about your fears. This really is the most important thing you can do.

I’ve had my fair share of panic attacks when it comes to the subject of marriage. And I’m sure I will have a few more. But I can tell you that I always go back to these things I mentioned above and I find peace. I hope you do too. I really do.


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Cue The Month Of Emotional Breakdowns

It's the first of August.

Cue the start of many, and I mean many, emotional breakdowns.

So many breakdowns that it deserves a blog post dedicated to them, made complete with ridiculous selfies. Oh, and sad tuna faces.

August 2013 is the beginning of the end for a very important part of my life. I am now a senior in college. I've been denying this fact all summer because frankly, I just don't want it to end...

These past three years, soon to be four, have been the absolute best of my life. Now, I am a firm believer that the phrase, "These are the best years of your life. It only gets worse from here" is completely and utterly false. I know that my life will only get better and better and I refuse to listen to anyone who tells me otherwise. But these years have been pretty incredible. And I'm just not ready for them to end yet.

This August will bring about many conflicting feelings for me. On the one hand, I'm super excited to get back to school, good ole Bison Hill. But on the other, I'm dreading how fast this year will go by. I'm also dreading the amount of stress it will put me under. I'm already saying prayers and readying myself for what's to come, because let me tell you, it's not going to be easy. With three plays, putting on a one woman show for my theatre capstone, being a leader in both of my departments, and making decisions I can't believe I'm old enough to make, I'm going to be in for a crazy year.

But it's the last one. I've already started to get ridiculously sentimental about it. I've been going through old pictures, thinking about how I felt coming in as a freshman, freaking out about how I won't get to read books and learn like I do ever again, freaking out about my future...And I've already teared up twice today. Once because two of my really good friends got engaged, and another time while writing this post. So, as you can see, I'm kind of all over the place. This is a rough time. I don't care what anyone else says about it (I mean that in the nicest way possible). It's hard being thrown into a completely new place and being forced to choose a life path, and make friends, and possibly find a future spouse. And then just as soon as you get adjusted to this major new change, you're ripped from it and forced into the real world. That is hard, my friends.

But you know what? It's going to be okay. Sure, this year will be an emotional roller coaster, but it's also going to be one of the best ever! There is so many things to be happy about and thankful for. I have gotten a wonderful education at a university that has changed my life. I have made amazing friendships with people I will cherish for the rest of my life. (You know who you are.) I've been educated, discipled, and befriended by my professors. I am experiencing my amazing life. And that's what I've got to focus on. God has got this. And I don't. And that's the way I want it to be. Because I'm a mess, as I've proven above, and I can't take control of anything that is going on. But He can. And He will.

I'm sure most of you reading this are dealing with many, if not most, of these feelings. I hope you've gained a bit of hope from reading this. I also hope you know that you're not alone. I'm feeling like this. And so is every other college junior and senior. Just smile and cherish the time you have in this chapter of life. We're all going to graduate and move to the next step and it will be great.

So, no worries....right?
